Job interviews

Job interviews, many people take part in them, but not everyone knows how to dress for them. One would think that knowing what to wear to an interview is common sense, however, who really takes the time to teach further about this topic? Many colleges don't even make the effort to ensure their recent graduates are in the know of what to wear to the first real interview. Therefore, the following list will serve as a go- to guide on what to wear and do for job interviews. Whether it's your first real interview or if it's for a job you don't really want but need. These tips will allow you to make more informed choices for your interview.

A good friend of mine once said that, you should always dress for the job you want. His advice is very wise because not only does it make sense, but it's something that rings in my head every day when I am getting dressed for work. Therefore, the first rule is to DRESS FOR THE JOB YOU WANT . It doesn't matter what the dress code is of the company you're interviewing for. A face- to face interview is the companys first visual impression of you. Theres no need for the interviewer to judge you based on the extra skin you're showing or the wrinkly shirt you are wearing. Try putting yourself in the interviewers shoes and use these thoughts to piece your outfit together.

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CREATE A GO- TO OUTFIT . It doesn't hurt to have a go- to interview outfit always ready just in case. Make sure these pieces are ready to go (tailored, dry-cleaned, etc.) whenever you need them. This outfit should consist of a black blazer, basic- colored button down top and either black dress pants or a black skirt. Always keep a pair of black flats, black heels and hosiery on hand so you don't have to run out last minute!

STICK TO THE BASICS . Interviews are not the time to be experimenting with different looks and colors. Black and white is the safest option for your interview outfit. However, if you feel the need to go outside the box then it's essential to stick to basic colors when doing so. Think dark colors when it comes to your suit. Black or dark grey work best. As for the top underneath you are okay wearing white, black, grey or any light color. For example, I enjoy putting a light blue button down with a black blazer. These two pieces complement each other nicely.

DO I HAVE TO WEAR HEELS? While I am not an expert when it comes to interview style I would like to think that I have learned a thing or two in my experiences thus far. I personally don't think that it's absolutely necessary to wear heels to an interview. Now this advice is coming from someone who prefers flat shoes, but I think there are a variety of professional- looking flats on the market that will suit your outfit just fine. If you choose to wear heels keep it simple with basic black pumps that aren't too high. I would personally suggest wearing heels with a pant suit because you don't want the leg of your pants dragging on the floor. Also, don't forget the hosiery if you are wearing skirt. Hosiery is inexpensive, can be found at a drugstore and can easily make your outfit look more professional.

ACCESSORIZE APPROPRIATELY . Interviewers are generally looking for a candidate who is put together well. What better way to look well put together than by adding accessories? I wouldn't suggest throwing on a stack of bangles and chandelier earrings, but there's nothing wrong with a single bracelet or pearl studs. Your outfit will look complete and it will be obvious that you're detail- oriented.

CLOTHING MAINTENANCE . Nothing irks me more than seeing a professional in wrinkled clothing. This just screams, I don't care enough! Honestly, it only takes 10 minutes tops to iron a whole outfit. Do it the night before and you don't even have to worry in the morning! It also can't hurt to get some pieces dry- cleaned. Nothing looks more professional than a freshly pressed, wrinkle- free outfit.

NATURAL FACE . Sticking to the basics is even more essential when it comes to your face. Now is not the time to try out that bright pink lip gloss or that hot smokey eye. Try wearing only basic, neutral colors. My natural look consists of a touch of bronzer, some swipes of shadow from my Naked palette, a little eyeliner and mascara all topped off with some lip balm. It doesn't hurt to try your look out before your interview and ask for opinions from family/friends.

HAIR & NAILS . I'm pretty sure it goes without saying that keeping your hair neat during an interview is crucial. Keep it safe by throwing it up in a ponytail slicked back with a headband. This is a simple, yet put together look. When it comes to your nails I would suggest as little color as possible. Its okay to wear French acrylics but get them trimmed as short as possible.

PREPARE . Set your outfit out the night before. Make sure that you have several printed copies of your resume. Do your research about the company and print out important details. Print out the job description if possible. Come up with a list of questions to ask the interviewer (trust me this takes minimal effort and looks very impressive). Take all of these materials and set them aside in a folder that you can grab at ease. Bring a pen.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST . Get enough rest the night before the interview. Dont stress. If you are well prepared for the interview there is no reason to get stressed. Eat a balanced breakfast and try not to drink too much caffeine. Breathe and relax, you will do just fine!

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Posted in Jobs/Employment Post Date 04/07/2021






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